[R-sig-ME] What is the appropriate zero-correlation parameter model for factors in lmer?
Maarten Jung
2018-05-17 10:43:29 UTC
Dear list,

When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter model.

But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.

So here are my questions:
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?

data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")

d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum

m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)

c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256

m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158

m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)

[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579

Best regards,

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Reinhold Kliegl
2018-05-21 22:21:55 UTC
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially
triggered by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I
hope it is ok to continue here.

I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I put
up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
Haubo's fm's and the terminology I use in the RPub:

fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in RE

Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6 are in
Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and fm5 so
far (see below).

(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested under
zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread, but I
stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested under
zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.

(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)

(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2

and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.

(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)

(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an
f:g interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks
like an interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support
for its interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has only
3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not
degenerate. So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A,
B, C, and the two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either
(1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is
rank deficient in the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the
random-effect term. What am I missing here?

[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027

Reinhold Kliegl

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter model.
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Reinhold Kliegl
2018-05-22 07:45:36 UTC
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.

fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.

fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1 (min1LMM)
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2 (min2LMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)

(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially
triggered by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I
hope it is ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I put
up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in RE
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6 are
in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and fm5
so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested under
zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread, but I
stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested under
zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an
f:g interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks
like an interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support
for its interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has only
3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not
degenerate. So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A,
B, C, and the two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either
(1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is
rank deficient in the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the
random-effect term. What am I missing here?
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but
Post by Maarten Jung
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter
Post by Maarten Jung
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that
Post by Maarten Jung
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an
Post by Maarten Jung
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more
Post by Maarten Jung
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider
Post by Maarten Jung
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors
Post by Maarten Jung
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is
Post by Maarten Jung
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2
Post by Maarten Jung
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Maarten Jung
2018-05-22 09:00:37 UTC
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold Kiegl
said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect. Can
someone provide an intuition for these models?

Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to me,
and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were over-parameterization
going on.

Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1 (min1LMM)
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2 (min2LMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl <
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially
triggered by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I
hope it is ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I put
up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in RE
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6 are
in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and fm5
so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested under
zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread, but I
stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested under
zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an
f:g interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks
like an interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support
for its interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not
degenerate. So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A,
B, C, and the two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either
(1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is
rank deficient in the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the
random-effect term. What am I missing here?
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components
but no
Post by Maarten Jung
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one
Post by Maarten Jung
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter
Post by Maarten Jung
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that
Post by Maarten Jung
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an
Post by Maarten Jung
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But
Post by Maarten Jung
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more
Post by Maarten Jung
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some
consider it
Post by Maarten Jung
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors
Post by Maarten Jung
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is
Post by Maarten Jung
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 +
c2 |
Post by Maarten Jung
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/
Post by Maarten Jung
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Reinhold Kliegl
2018-05-22 11:17:03 UTC
There is an interpretable alternative to fm5 (actually there are many ...),
called fm8 below, that avoids the redundancy between variance components.
The change is to switch from (1 |g) + (0 + f | g) = (1 | g) + (0 + A + B +
C | g) to 1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 |g ), where c1 and c2 are the contrasts
defined for f. (I have actually used such LMMs quite often.) With this
specification the difference to the maxLMM (fm6) is that the correlation
between intercept and contrasts is suppressed to zero. The correlation
parameters now refer to the correlations between effects of c1 and c2, not
to the correlations between A, B, and C. Actually, this is but one example
of many LMMs one could slot into this position of the hierarchical model
sequences. At this level of model complexity one can suppress various
subsets of correlation parameters (as illustrated in Bates et al. (2015)[1]
and various vignettes of the RePsychLing package).

fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE
fm8 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 | g) # parsimonious LMM (prsmLMM)

Hierarchical model sequences

(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm3 ->
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm7 ->
fm1 (new sequence)

I will update the RPub in the next days.

[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.04967.pdf

Best regards,
Reinhold Kliegl

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold
Kiegl said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect.
Can someone provide an intuition for these models?
Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to me,
and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were
over-parameterization going on.
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Reinhold Kliegl <
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl <
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially
triggered by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I
hope it is ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I
put up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in RE
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6 are
in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and fm5
so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested
under zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread,
but I stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested
under zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an
f:g interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks
like an interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support
for its interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not
degenerate. So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A,
B, C, and the two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either
(1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is
rank deficient in the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the
random-effect term. What am I missing here?
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components
but no
Post by Maarten Jung
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one
Post by Maarten Jung
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy().
Post by Maarten Jung
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar
Post by Maarten Jung
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter
Post by Maarten Jung
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that
Post by Maarten Jung
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an
Post by Maarten Jung
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But
Post by Maarten Jung
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more
Post by Maarten Jung
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some
consider it
Post by Maarten Jung
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for
factors and
Post by Maarten Jung
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is
Post by Maarten Jung
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 +
c2 |
Post by Maarten Jung
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026
Post by Maarten Jung
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Maarten Jung
2018-05-22 20:51:56 UTC
I have to clarify that I was talking about fm5 in the way Rune Haubo
specified it:
fm5.2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f || g) which is, when using a
treatment coded factor with 3 levels, equivalent to
fm5.2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g ) +
(0 + dummy(f, "1st level") | g) +
(0 + dummy(f, "2nd level") | g) +
(0 + dummy(f, "3rd level") | g)
In the way Reinhold Kliegl specified fm5, i.e. with (0 + f | g)
instead of (0 + f || g), it seems to me that fm5 is just an
over/re-parameterized version of fm6 with one additional parameter and
they both yield the same fit.

However, I think both fm5.2 and fm5 are difficult to understand
because they use (1 | g) and, at the same time, the 0 + f notation
within one formula. So my question remains the same: as Reinhold
Kliegl put it "if the factor levels are A, B, C, and the two contrasts
are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either (1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A
+ B + C)". But this doesn't seem to be the case for random effects -
or is it?
Maybe answering this question can also explain the difference between
fm3 and fm7.

Best regards,

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 1:17 PM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
There is an interpretable alternative to fm5 (actually there are many ...),
called fm8 below, that avoids the redundancy between variance components.
The change is to switch from (1 |g) + (0 + f | g) = (1 | g) + (0 + A + B + C
| g) to 1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 |g ), where c1 and c2 are the contrasts
defined for f. (I have actually used such LMMs quite often.) With this
specification the difference to the maxLMM (fm6) is that the correlation
between intercept and contrasts is suppressed to zero. The correlation
parameters now refer to the correlations between effects of c1 and c2, not
to the correlations between A, B, and C. Actually, this is but one example
of many LMMs one could slot into this position of the hierarchical model
sequences. At this level of model complexity one can suppress various
subsets of correlation parameters (as illustrated in Bates et al. (2015)[1]
and various vignettes of the RePsychLing package).
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE
fm8 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 | g) # parsimonious LMM (prsmLMM)
Hierarchical model sequences
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm3 ->
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm7 ->
fm1 (new sequence)
I will update the RPub in the next days.
[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.04967.pdf
Best regards,
Reinhold Kliegl
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold
Kiegl said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect.
Can someone provide an intuition for these models?
Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to me,
and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were over-parameterization
going on.
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially triggered
by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I hope it is
ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I
put up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in RE
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6 are
in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and fm5
so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested
under zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread,
but I stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested
under zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an f:g
interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks like an
interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support for its
interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not degenerate.
So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A, B, C, and the
two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either (1 + c1 + c2) or
(0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is rank deficient in
the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the random-effect term. What
am I missing here?
[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2018q2/026775.html
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter model.
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Reinhold Kliegl
2018-05-24 19:22:12 UTC
Here is an update (final for now) with 10 models and 4 hierarchical
sequences. Comments, details, and a demonstration with the Machines data
are available in a new RPub[1]. I switched to a notation with numeric
covariates to reduce potential confusion about terms containing `1+f` and
`0+f`; `c1` and `c2` are contrasts defined for a factor with levels `A`,
`B`, and `C`.

## LMMs

### Prototype LMMs

max_LMM: m1 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 | subj)
prsm1_LMM: m2 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (0 + c1 + c2 | subj)
zcp_LMM: m3 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 || subj)
prsm2_LMM: m4 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c2 || subj)
min_LMM: m5 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj)

Protoype refers to prsm1 and prsm2; there are also variations of them.
Prsm1 are models pruning correlation parameters; prsm2 are models pruning
variance components in the absence of correlation parameters. The order
reflects hierarchical decreasing model complexity.

### LMMs with interaction term

int_LMM: m6 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (1 | factor:subj)
min2_Lmm: m7 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | factor:subj)

### LMMs with (0 + f | g) RE structures

maxL_MM_RE0: m8 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C | subj)
prsm1_LMM_RE0: m9 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A | subj) + (0 + B + C | subj)
zcp_LMM_RE0: m10 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C || subj)

## Hierarchical model sequences

Here are the sequences I am confident about.

(1) max_LMM -> prsm1_LMM -> zcp_LMM -> prsm2_LMM -> min1_LMM
(2) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min1_LMM
(3) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min2_LMM
(4) max_LMM_RE0 -> prsm1_LMM_RE0 -> zcp_LMM_RE0

So far, in my research, I have worked almost exclusively with Sequence (1)
and do not recall ever experiencing technical problems or inconsistencies
as long as there was no overparameterization. It has served me well in the
determination of parsimonious LMMs[2, 3].

For complex fixed-effect structures (i.e., for models with many factors or
with factors with many levels), the number of correlation parameters grows
very rapidly. If this goes together with a modest number of observations or
levels of the random factor, Sequences (2) and (3) might be a good place to
start to avoid convergence problems. Of course, if your hypotheses are
about correlation parameters, these LMMs will not get you very far.

Finally, Sequence (4) could be a default strategy if one is interested in
the fixed effects and if one does not want to spend much time in wondering
about the meaning of CPs. However, as correlations between levels of fixed
factors are can be very large (at least larger than correlations between
effects), LMMs in this sequence may be prone to convergence problems.

A few open questions -
(1) Rune Haubo proposed that min2_LMM (his fm2) is nested under zcp_LMM_RE0
(his fm3) and could serve as a baseline model, but I don't understand why
it is nested.
(2) Marteen Jung wonders about Rune Haubo's fm5 (with four VCs; there was
typo in my last post). The ten models above have at most 3 VCs (i.e., the
number of levels of the factor). I also don't see a good place for it in
the sequences. Am I missing something?
(3) Any suggestions for models between maxLMM and intLMM and for models
between intLMM and minLMM?

Reinhold Kliegl

[1] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391828
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.04967
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X17300013
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
There is an interpretable alternative to fm5 (actually there are many
...), called fm8 below, that avoids the redundancy between variance
components. The change is to switch from (1 |g) + (0 + f | g) = (1 | g) +
(0 + A + B + C | g) to 1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 |g ), where c1 and c2 are the
contrasts defined for f. (I have actually used such LMMs quite often.) With
this specification the difference to the maxLMM (fm6) is that the
correlation between intercept and contrasts is suppressed to zero. The
correlation parameters now refer to the correlations between effects of c1
and c2, not to the correlations between A, B, and C. Actually, this is but
one example of many LMMs one could slot into this position of the
hierarchical model sequences. At this level of model complexity one can
suppress various subsets of correlation parameters (as illustrated in Bates
et al. (2015)[1] and various vignettes of the RePsychLing package).
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm8 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 | g) # parsimonious LMM (prsmLMM)
Hierarchical model sequences
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4
-> fm1
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4
-> fm2
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm3
-> fm2
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm7
-> fm1 (new sequence)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
I will update the RPub in the next days.
[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.04967.pdf
Best regards,
Reinhold Kliegl
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold
Kiegl said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect.
Can someone provide an intuition for these models?
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to
me, and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were
over-parameterization going on.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Reinhold Kliegl <
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl <
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to
this thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially
triggered by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I
hope it is ok to continue here.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I
put up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6
are in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and
fm5 so far (see below).
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested
under zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread,
but I stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested
under zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with
my translation (right)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with
translation into RH's fm's.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the
cake data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models).
Why is fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you
include an f:g interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4).
This looks like an interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more
conceptual support for its interpretation in the model hierarchy.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not
degenerate. So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A,
B, C, and the two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either
(1 + c1 + c2) or (0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is
rank deficient in the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the
random-effect term. What am I missing here?
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung <
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter model.
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Maarten Jung
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Rune Haubo
2018-05-25 08:27:26 UTC
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Here is an update (final for now) with 10 models and 4 hierarchical
sequences. Comments, details, and a demonstration with the Machines data are
available in a new RPub[1]. I switched to a notation with numeric covariates
to reduce potential confusion about terms containing `1+f` and `0+f`; `c1`
and `c2` are contrasts defined for a factor with levels `A`, `B`, and `C`.
## LMMs
### Prototype LMMs
max_LMM: m1 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 | subj)
prsm1_LMM: m2 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (0 + c1 + c2 | subj)
zcp_LMM: m3 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 || subj)
prsm2_LMM: m4 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c2 || subj)
min_LMM: m5 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj)
Protoype refers to prsm1 and prsm2; there are also variations of them. Prsm1
are models pruning correlation parameters; prsm2 are models pruning variance
components in the absence of correlation parameters. The order reflects
hierarchical decreasing model complexity.
### LMMs with interaction term
int_LMM: m6 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (1 | factor:subj)
min2_Lmm: m7 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | factor:subj)
### LMMs with (0 + f | g) RE structures
maxL_MM_RE0: m8 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C | subj)
prsm1_LMM_RE0: m9 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A | subj) + (0 + B + C | subj)
zcp_LMM_RE0: m10 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C || subj)
## Hierarchical model sequences
Here are the sequences I am confident about.
(1) max_LMM -> prsm1_LMM -> zcp_LMM -> prsm2_LMM -> min1_LMM
(2) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min1_LMM
(3) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min2_LMM
(4) max_LMM_RE0 -> prsm1_LMM_RE0 -> zcp_LMM_RE0
So far, in my research, I have worked almost exclusively with Sequence (1)
and do not recall ever experiencing technical problems or inconsistencies as
long as there was no overparameterization. It has served me well in the
determination of parsimonious LMMs[2, 3].
For complex fixed-effect structures (i.e., for models with many factors or
with factors with many levels), the number of correlation parameters grows
very rapidly. If this goes together with a modest number of observations or
levels of the random factor, Sequences (2) and (3) might be a good place to
start to avoid convergence problems. Of course, if your hypotheses are about
correlation parameters, these LMMs will not get you very far.
Finally, Sequence (4) could be a default strategy if one is interested in
the fixed effects and if one does not want to spend much time in wondering
about the meaning of CPs. However, as correlations between levels of fixed
factors are can be very large (at least larger than correlations between
effects), LMMs in this sequence may be prone to convergence problems.
A few open questions -
(1) Rune Haubo proposed that min2_LMM (his fm2) is nested under zcp_LMM_RE0
(his fm3) and could serve as a baseline model, but I don't understand why it
is nested.
(2) Marteen Jung wonders about Rune Haubo's fm5 (with four VCs; there was
typo in my last post). The ten models above have at most 3 VCs (i.e., the
number of levels of the factor). I also don't see a good place for it in the
sequences. Am I missing something?
(3) Any suggestions for models between maxLMM and intLMM and for models
between intLMM and minLMM?
I must admit that I haven't read all of the above in detail but I can
address the
specific questions.

First a note on terminology: My understanding is that a variance component (VC)
is an random-effects term that is independent of other terms and
classically a term of the form
(1 | g) or (1 | g:f). If we also allow the VC-terminology for random terms with
vector-valued random-effects, e.g. (g | f), then arguably none of the models
have more than two VCs (excluding residuals).

For the Machines data fm5 reads
fm5 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "A") | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") | Worker), Machines)

which may also be specified as (thanks Reinhold Kliegl)

mm0 <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Machine, Machines)
A <- mm0[, 1]
B <- mm0[, 2]
C <- mm0[, 3]
fm5b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + A + B + C ||
Worker), Machines)
anova(fm5, fm5b, refit=FALSE) # Chisq = 0
and there other variants as well.

Other relevant models to be discussed are:
fm3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (0 + A + B + C || Worker), Machines)
fm2 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1| Worker:Machine), Machines)
fm6 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (0 + Machine | Worker), Machines)

Since observations on different Workers are independent we can understand these
models by considering how they parameterize the variance-covariance
matrix of the
9 observations that belong to each Worker in the marginal distribution
of the observations.

fm5, uses 5 variance-parameters to parameterize the by-Worker
(9x9) variance-covariance matrix, Cov(Y_j): 1 for (1 | Worker), 3 for
(0 + A + B + C || Worker) and 1 for the residual variance.

The covariance structure for within-Worker observations is:
- The variance of each observation is sigma_w^2 + sigma_i^2 + sigma^2 where
the terms refer to Worker, the i'th Machine and residuals.
- The covariance between two different obervations from the same Machine and
Worker is sigma_w^2 + sigma_i^2, i.e. it depends on which Machine was used.
- The covariance between two different observations on the same Worker but
different Machines is just sigma_w^2.

Thus, if (1 | Worker) is removed from fm5 it reduces to fm3 and it amounts to
setting sigma_w^2 to zero. In effect the covariance betwen two different
observations on the same Worker but different Machines is 0.

If instead we consider model fm6 which corresponds to exchanging all random
terms in fm5 with (0 + Machine | Worker) it changes the covariance of two
observations from the same Worker and different Machines from a constant
sigma_w^2 to sigma_{i,i'}^2, i.e., it depends on which pair of Machines the
two observations come from. Since there are 6 possible pairs of Machines fm6
uses 6+1 variance parameters to parameterize the Worker-level covariance matrix,
i.e. 2 more than fm5.

For the Machines data fm2 reads
fm2 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker:Machine), Machines)

This model says that the covariance between two different observations
on the same
Worker and same Machine is sigma_{mw}^2 thus it is different from fm3 by setting
sigma_i^2 to the constant (wrt. Machine) sigma_{mw}^2. With 3 Machines fm2
saves 2 variance-parameters relative to fm3 and ends up using only 2 variance
parameters. For completeness, the variance of an observation is
sigma_{mw}^2 + sigma^2
and the covariance of any two observations which are not from the same
Worker and the
same Machine is 0.

Now, I skipped a number of details but an email is not exactly suited for a
mathematical exposition so I hope the above makes sense, and I hope it
helps explain the nesting structure.

Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Reinhold Kliegl
[1] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391828
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.04967
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X17300013
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
There is an interpretable alternative to fm5 (actually there are many
...), called fm8 below, that avoids the redundancy between variance
components. The change is to switch from (1 |g) + (0 + f | g) = (1 | g) +
(0 + A + B + C | g) to 1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 |g ), where c1 and c2 are the
contrasts defined for f. (I have actually used such LMMs quite often.) With
this specification the difference to the maxLMM (fm6) is that the
correlation between intercept and contrasts is suppressed to zero. The
correlation parameters now refer to the correlations between effects of c1
and c2, not to the correlations between A, B, and C. Actually, this is but
one example of many LMMs one could slot into this position of the
hierarchical model sequences. At this level of model complexity one can
suppress various subsets of correlation parameters (as illustrated in Bates
et al. (2015)[1] and various vignettes of the RePsychLing package).
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE
fm8 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 | g) # parsimonious LMM (prsmLMM)
Hierarchical model sequences
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm3 ->
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm7 ->
fm1 (new sequence)
I will update the RPub in the next days.
[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.04967.pdf
Best regards,
Reinhold Kliegl
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold
Kiegl said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect.
Can someone provide an intuition for these models?
Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to me,
and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were over-parameterization
going on.
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially triggered
by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I hope it is
ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I
put up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6
are in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and
fm5 so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested
under zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread,
but I stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested
under zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an f:g
interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks like an
interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support for its
interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not degenerate.
So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A, B, C, and the
two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either (1 + c1 + c2) or
(0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is rank deficient in
the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the random-effect term. What
am I missing here?
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter model.
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Maarten Jung
2018-05-26 13:59:22 UTC

Your explanations make sense to me but I don't know how to connect
them to the things I know, or thought I knew, about mixed models (see
(1) and (2)).
Let me just double-check if I get it right:

fm5 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1|Worker) + (1|Worker:Machine), Machines)

would imply that covariance between two different observations from
the same Machine and same Worker is sigma_w^2 + sigma_wm^2 and the
covariance between two different observations from different Machines
but the same Worker is sigma_w^2. Do I have this right?

(1) In the mixed model books I read random effects (RE) are introduces
as zero-centered offsets (following a normal distribution) around the
fixed effects. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for the
models you suggest, i.e. the factor Machine is coded with
contr.treatment by default but you use 0 + Machine or 0 + A + B + C in
the random effects part. What am I missing here?

(2) From the "RE as zero-centered offsets around the fixed
effects"-perspective the models suggest by Reinhold Kliegl do makes
sense to me. But from the "variance-covariance matrix in the marginal
distribution"-perspective I have a hard time understanding what they
E.g. consider zcp_LMM:
mm1 <- model.matrix(~ 1 + Machine, Machines)
dBA <- mm1[, 2]
dCA <- mm1[, 3]
zcp_LMM <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 + dBA + dCA || Worker), Machines)

If I get it right the covariance between two different observations
from different Machines but the same Worker is sigma_w^2 here. But
what about the covariance between two different observations from the
same Machine and same Worker? Is it sigma_w^2 + sigma_j^2 where
sigma_j^2 refers to the j'th contrasts, i.e. it would be different for
dBA (the difference between Machine B and A) and dCA (the difference
between Machine C and A? If this is true is there a useful way to
interpret these models?

Post by Rune Haubo
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Here is an update (final for now) with 10 models and 4 hierarchical
sequences. Comments, details, and a demonstration with the Machines data are
available in a new RPub[1]. I switched to a notation with numeric covariates
to reduce potential confusion about terms containing `1+f` and `0+f`; `c1`
and `c2` are contrasts defined for a factor with levels `A`, `B`, and `C`.
## LMMs
### Prototype LMMs
max_LMM: m1 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 | subj)
prsm1_LMM: m2 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (0 + c1 + c2 | subj)
zcp_LMM: m3 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c1 + c2 || subj)
prsm2_LMM: m4 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 + c2 || subj)
min_LMM: m5 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj)
Protoype refers to prsm1 and prsm2; there are also variations of them. Prsm1
are models pruning correlation parameters; prsm2 are models pruning variance
components in the absence of correlation parameters. The order reflects
hierarchical decreasing model complexity.
### LMMs with interaction term
int_LMM: m6 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | subj) + (1 | factor:subj)
min2_Lmm: m7 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (1 | factor:subj)
### LMMs with (0 + f | g) RE structures
maxL_MM_RE0: m8 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C | subj)
prsm1_LMM_RE0: m9 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A | subj) + (0 + B + C | subj)
zcp_LMM_RE0: m10 = y ~ 1 + c1 + c2 + (0 + A + B + C || subj)
## Hierarchical model sequences
Here are the sequences I am confident about.
(1) max_LMM -> prsm1_LMM -> zcp_LMM -> prsm2_LMM -> min1_LMM
(2) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min1_LMM
(3) max_LMM -> int_LMM -> min2_LMM
(4) max_LMM_RE0 -> prsm1_LMM_RE0 -> zcp_LMM_RE0
So far, in my research, I have worked almost exclusively with Sequence (1)
and do not recall ever experiencing technical problems or inconsistencies as
long as there was no overparameterization. It has served me well in the
determination of parsimonious LMMs[2, 3].
For complex fixed-effect structures (i.e., for models with many factors or
with factors with many levels), the number of correlation parameters grows
very rapidly. If this goes together with a modest number of observations or
levels of the random factor, Sequences (2) and (3) might be a good place to
start to avoid convergence problems. Of course, if your hypotheses are about
correlation parameters, these LMMs will not get you very far.
Finally, Sequence (4) could be a default strategy if one is interested in
the fixed effects and if one does not want to spend much time in wondering
about the meaning of CPs. However, as correlations between levels of fixed
factors are can be very large (at least larger than correlations between
effects), LMMs in this sequence may be prone to convergence problems.
A few open questions -
(1) Rune Haubo proposed that min2_LMM (his fm2) is nested under zcp_LMM_RE0
(his fm3) and could serve as a baseline model, but I don't understand why it
is nested.
(2) Marteen Jung wonders about Rune Haubo's fm5 (with four VCs; there was
typo in my last post). The ten models above have at most 3 VCs (i.e., the
number of levels of the factor). I also don't see a good place for it in the
sequences. Am I missing something?
(3) Any suggestions for models between maxLMM and intLMM and for models
between intLMM and minLMM?
I must admit that I haven't read all of the above in detail but I can
address the
specific questions.
First a note on terminology: My understanding is that a variance component (VC)
is an random-effects term that is independent of other terms and
classically a term of the form
(1 | g) or (1 | g:f). If we also allow the VC-terminology for random terms with
vector-valued random-effects, e.g. (g | f), then arguably none of the models
have more than two VCs (excluding residuals).
For the Machines data fm5 reads
fm5 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "A") | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") | Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") | Worker), Machines)
which may also be specified as (thanks Reinhold Kliegl)
mm0 <- model.matrix(~ 0 + Machine, Machines)
A <- mm0[, 1]
B <- mm0[, 2]
C <- mm0[, 3]
fm5b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + A + B + C ||
Worker), Machines)
anova(fm5, fm5b, refit=FALSE) # Chisq = 0
and there other variants as well.
fm3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (0 + A + B + C || Worker), Machines)
fm2 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1| Worker:Machine), Machines)
fm6 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (0 + Machine | Worker), Machines)
Since observations on different Workers are independent we can understand these
models by considering how they parameterize the variance-covariance
matrix of the
9 observations that belong to each Worker in the marginal distribution
of the observations.
fm5, uses 5 variance-parameters to parameterize the by-Worker
(9x9) variance-covariance matrix, Cov(Y_j): 1 for (1 | Worker), 3 for
(0 + A + B + C || Worker) and 1 for the residual variance.
- The variance of each observation is sigma_w^2 + sigma_i^2 + sigma^2 where
the terms refer to Worker, the i'th Machine and residuals.
- The covariance between two different obervations from the same Machine and
Worker is sigma_w^2 + sigma_i^2, i.e. it depends on which Machine was used.
- The covariance between two different observations on the same Worker but
different Machines is just sigma_w^2.
Thus, if (1 | Worker) is removed from fm5 it reduces to fm3 and it amounts to
setting sigma_w^2 to zero. In effect the covariance betwen two different
observations on the same Worker but different Machines is 0.
If instead we consider model fm6 which corresponds to exchanging all random
terms in fm5 with (0 + Machine | Worker) it changes the covariance of two
observations from the same Worker and different Machines from a constant
sigma_w^2 to sigma_{i,i'}^2, i.e., it depends on which pair of Machines the
two observations come from. Since there are 6 possible pairs of Machines fm6
uses 6+1 variance parameters to parameterize the Worker-level covariance matrix,
i.e. 2 more than fm5.
For the Machines data fm2 reads
fm2 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker:Machine), Machines)
This model says that the covariance between two different observations
on the same
Worker and same Machine is sigma_{mw}^2 thus it is different from fm3 by setting
sigma_i^2 to the constant (wrt. Machine) sigma_{mw}^2. With 3 Machines fm2
saves 2 variance-parameters relative to fm3 and ends up using only 2 variance
parameters. For completeness, the variance of an observation is
sigma_{mw}^2 + sigma^2
and the covariance of any two observations which are not from the same
Worker and the
same Machine is 0.
Now, I skipped a number of details but an email is not exactly suited for a
mathematical exposition so I hope the above makes sense, and I hope it
helps explain the nesting structure.
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Reinhold Kliegl
[1] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391828
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.04967
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X17300013
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
There is an interpretable alternative to fm5 (actually there are many
...), called fm8 below, that avoids the redundancy between variance
components. The change is to switch from (1 |g) + (0 + f | g) = (1 | g) +
(0 + A + B + C | g) to 1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 |g ), where c1 and c2 are the
contrasts defined for f. (I have actually used such LMMs quite often.) With
this specification the difference to the maxLMM (fm6) is that the
correlation between intercept and contrasts is suppressed to zero. The
correlation parameters now refer to the correlations between effects of c1
and c2, not to the correlations between A, B, and C. Actually, this is but
one example of many LMMs one could slot into this position of the
hierarchical model sequences. At this level of model complexity one can
suppress various subsets of correlation parameters (as illustrated in Bates
et al. (2015)[1] and various vignettes of the RePsychLing package).
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE
fm8 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + c1 + c2 | g) # parsimonious LMM (prsmLMM)
Hierarchical model sequences
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm4 ->
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm3 ->
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> prsmLMM -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm8 -> fm7 ->
fm1 (new sequence)
I will update the RPub in the next days.
[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.04967.pdf
Best regards,
Reinhold Kliegl
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
I see that fm2 is nested within fm3 and fm4.
But I have a hard time understanding fm3 and fm2 because, as Reinhold
Kiegl said, they specify the f:g interaction but without the g main effect.
Can someone provide an intuition for these models?
Also, it is not entirely clear to me what fm5 represents. It looks to me,
and again I am with Reinhold Kiegl , as if there were over-parameterization
going on.
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:45 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Ok, I figured out the answer to the question about fm2.
fm2 is indeed a very nice baseline for fm3 and fm4. So I distinguish
between min1LMM and min2LMM.
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM version 1
fm2 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | f:g) # minimal LMM version 2
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 0 in RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1 | f:g) # LMM w/ f x g interaction (intLMM)
fm5 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (0 + f | g) # N/A
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zcpLMM with 1 in RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(2) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm2
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> min2LMM # fm6 -> fm3 -> fm2
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> min1LMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Reinhold Kliegl
Post by Reinhold Kliegl
Sorry, I am somewhat late to this conversation. I am responding to this
thread, because it fits my comment very well, but it was initially triggered
by a previous thread, especially Rune Haubo's post here [1]. So I hope it is
ok to continue here.
I have a few comments and questions. For details I refer to an RPub I
put up along with this post [2]. I start with a translation between Rune
fm1 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) # minimal LMM (minLMM)
fm3 = y ~ 1 + f + (0 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 0 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE0)
fm4 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 | g) + (1|f:g) # LMM w/ fixed x random factor
interaction (intLMM),
fm6 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f | g) # maximal LMM (maxLMM)
fm7 = y ~ 1 + f + (1 + f || g) # zero-corr param LMM with 1 in
RE (zcpLMM_RE1)
Notes: f is a fixed factor, g is a group (random) factor; fm1 to fm6
are in Rune Haubo's post; fm7 is new (added by me). I have not used fm2 and
fm5 so far (see below).
(I) The post was triggered by the question whether intLMM is nested
under zcpLMM. I had included this LRT in my older RPub cited in the thread,
but I stand corrected and agree with Rune Haubo that intLMM is not nested
under zcpLMM. For example, in the new RPub, I show that slightly modified
Machines data exhibit smaller deviance for intLMM than zcpLMM despite an
additional model parameter in the latter. Thanks for the critical reading.
(II) Here are Runo Haubo's sequences (left, resorted) augmented with my
translation (right)
(1) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm1 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> minLMM
(2) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm4 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> intLMM -> fm2
(3) fm6 -> fm5 -> fm3 -> fm2 # maxLMM_RE1 -> fm5 -> zcpLMM_RE0 -> fm2
and here are sequences I came up with (left) augmented with translation
into RH's fm's.
(1) maxLMM_RE1 -> intLMM -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm4 -> fm1
(3) maxLMM_RE0 -> zcpLMM_RE0 # fm6 -> fm3
(4) maxLMM_RE1 -> zcpLMM_RE1 -> minLMM # fm6 -> fm7 -> fm1 (new sequence)
(III) I have questions about fm2 and fm5.
fm2: fm2 redefines the levels of the group factor (e.g., in the cake
data there are 45 groups in fm2 compared to 15 in the other models). Why is
fm2 nested under fm3 and fm6? Somehow it looks to me that you include an f:g
interaction without the g main effect (relative to fm4). This looks like an
interesting model; I would appreciate a bit more conceptual support for its
interpretation in the model hierarchy.
fm5: fm5 specifies 4 variance components (VCs), but the factor has
only 3 levels. So to me this looks like there is redundancy built into the
model. In support of this intuition, for the cake data, one of the VCs is
estimated with 0. However, in the Machine data the model was not degenerate.
So I am not sure. In other words, if the factor levels are A, B, C, and the
two contrasts are c1 and c2, I thought I can specify either (1 + c1 + c2) or
(0 + A + B + C). fm5 specifies (1 + A + B + C) which is rank deficient in
the fixed effect part, but not necessarily in the random-effect term. What
am I missing here?
[2] http://rpubs.com/Reinhold/391027
Reinhold Kliegl
On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 12:43 PM, Maarten Jung
Post by Maarten Jung
Dear list,
When one wants to specify a lmer model including variance components but no
correlation parameters for categorical predictors (factors) afaik one has
to convert the factors to numeric covariates or use lme4::dummy(). Until
recently I thought m2a (or equivalently m2b using the double-bar syntax)
would be the correct way to specify such a zero-correlation parameter
But in this thread [1] Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen pointed out that this
model does not make sense to him. Instead he suggests m3 as an appropriate
I think this is a *highly relevant difference* for everyone who uses
factors in lmer and therefore I'm bringing up this issue again. But maybe
I'm mistaken and just don't get what is quite obvious for more experienced
mixed modelers.
Please note that the question is on CrossValidated [2] but some consider it
as off-topic and I don't think there will be an answer any time soon.
How should one specify a lmm without correlation parameters for factors and
what are the differences between m2a and m3?
Is there a preferred model for model comparison with m4 (this model is also
discussed here [3])?
data("Machines", package = "MEMSS")
d <- Machines
contrasts(d$Machine) # default coding: contr.sum
m1 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine | Worker), d)
c1 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 2]
c2 <- model.matrix(m1)[, 3]
m2a <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + c1 | Worker) + (0 + c2 |
Worker), d)
m2b <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (c1 + c2 || Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 5.24354
Worker.1 c1 2.58446
Worker.2 c2 3.71504
Residual 0.96256
m3 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (0 + dummy(Machine, "A") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "B") |
Worker) +
(0 + dummy(Machine, "C") |
Worker), d)
Groups Name Std.Dev.
Worker (Intercept) 3.78595
Worker.1 dummy(Machine, "A") 1.94032
Worker.2 dummy(Machine, "B") 5.87402
Worker.3 dummy(Machine, "C") 2.84547
Residual 0.96158
m4 <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (1 | Worker) + (1 | Worker:Machine), d)
[2] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/345842/136579
[3] https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/304374/136579
Best regards,
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