[R-sig-ME] glmmTMB and post hoc testing
Smith, Desmond
2018-07-09 00:03:05 UTC
Dear All,

I have previously tested a mixed model using lmer. However, since the dependent variable is count data, which is over-dispersed, it seems that I should use a negative binomial generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), such as glmmTMB.

The full data frame is:


[1] 115 7

Here are the first six rows of the full 115 row data frame:

fixed1 fixed2 random nested_random counts id log_total_counts
1 0 0 1 1 643 1 12.89582
1001 0 0 2 6 585 1 13.67509
2001 0 0 3 11 846 1 13.94209
3001 0 0 4 16 755 1 13.93056
4001 0 0 5 21 1428 1 13.65672
5001 0 0 6 26 1566 1 13.64421

'data.frame': 115 obs. of 7 variables:
$ fixed1 : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ...
$ fixed2 : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ random : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 ...
$ nested_random : num 1 6 11 16 21 26 2 7 12 17 ...
$ counts : int 643 585 846 755 1428 1566 309 719 1542 1446 ...
$ id : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ log_total_counts: num 12.9 13.7 13.9 13.9 13.7 ...

There are six values of fixed1, plus a zero:


[1] 0 1 2 3 4 6

The mean of the six values of fixed1 is

[1] 3.2

There are four values of fixed2, including zero:


[1] 0 25 75 8

The mean of the four values of fixed1 is
[1] 27

Here is the lmer model I used:


m1 <- lmer(counts ~ fixed1*fixed2 + (1|random/nested_random) + offset(log_total_counts), data = example, verbose=FALSE)

Followed by the use of glht for post-hoc analysis:


glht_fixed1 <- glht(m1, linfct = c(
"fixed1 == 0",
"fixed1 + 8*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed1 + 25*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed1 + 75*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed1 + (27)*fixed1:fixed2 == 0"))

glht_fixed2 <- glht(m1, linfct = c(
"fixed2 + 1*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 2*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 3*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 4*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 6*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + (3.2)*fixed1:fixed2 == 0"))

glht_omni <- glht(m1)

Here is the corresponding negative binomial glmmTMB model:


m2 <- glmmTMB(counts ~ fixed1*fixed2 + (1|random/nested_random) + offset(log_total_counts), data = example, verbose=FALSE, family="nbinom2")

According to this suggestion by Ben Bolker (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2017q3/025813.html), the best approach to post hoc testing with glmmTMB is to use lsmeans (or its more recent equivalent, emmeans).

After running


I can use lsmeans on the glmmTMB object. For example,

as.glht(emmeans(m1,~(week + 27*week:conc)))

General Linear Hypotheses

Linear Hypotheses:
3.11304347826087, 21 == 0 -8.813

But this does not seem correct. What I cannot figure out, for the life of me, is how to correctly carry over the use of linfct to the lsmeans scenario on the glmmTMB. I have read all the manuals and vignettes until I am blue in face (or it feels that way, at least), but I am still at a loss. In my defense (culpability?) I am a statistical tyro, so many apologies if I am asking a question with very obvious answers here.

The glht software and post hoc testing works easily with the glmmADMB package, but the glmmADMB software is 10x slower than glmmTMB. I need to perform multiple runs of this analysis, each with 300,000 examples of the mixed model, so speed is essential.

Many thanks for your suggestions or help!





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Ben Bolker
2018-07-09 15:51:04 UTC
Post by Smith, Desmond
Dear All,
I have previously tested a mixed model using lmer. However, since the
dependent variable is count data, which is over-dispersed, it seems
that I should use a negative binomial generalized linear mixed model
(GLMM), such as glmmTMB.
That is certainly one possibility.
offers a variety of other alternatives.

I haven't had a chance to look into the details below yet, but you
could try updating to a development branch of `glmmTMB` that has more
integrated emmeans support:


(you would need compilation tools etc. installed). After that check the
vignette - it may not be built/installed properly, but you can find it here:

Post by Smith, Desmond
[1] 115 7
head(example) fixed1 fixed2 random nested_random counts id
log_total_counts 1 0 0 1 1 643 1
12.89582 1001 0 0 2 6 585 1
13.67509 2001 0 0 3 11 846 1
13.94209 3001 0 0 4 16 755 1
13.93056 4001 0 0 5 21 1428 1
13.65672 5001 0 0 6 26 1566 1
str(example) 'data.frame': 115 obs. of 7 variables: $ fixed1
: num 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ... $ fixed2 : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 ... $ random : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 ... $
nested_random : num 1 6 11 16 21 26 2 7 12 17 ... $ counts
: int 643 585 846 755 1428 1566 309 719 1542 1446 ... $ id
: int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ log_total_counts: num 12.9 13.7
13.9 13.9 13.7 ...
[1] 0 1 2 3 4 6
The mean of the six values of fixed1 is
mean(c(1,2,3,4,6)) [1] 3.2
[1] 0 25 75 8
The mean of the four values of fixed1 is
mean(unique(example$fixed2)) [1] 27
m1 <- lmer(counts ~ fixed1*fixed2 + (1|random/nested_random) +
offset(log_total_counts), data = example, verbose=FALSE)
glht_fixed1 <- glht(m1, linfct = c( "fixed1 == 0", "fixed1 +
8*fixed1:fixed2 == 0", "fixed1 + 25*fixed1:fixed2 == 0", "fixed1 +
75*fixed1:fixed2 == 0", "fixed1 + (27)*fixed1:fixed2 == 0"))
glht_fixed2 <- glht(m1, linfct = c( "fixed2 + 1*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 2*fixed1:fixed2 == 0", "fixed2 + 3*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + 4*fixed1:fixed2 == 0", "fixed2 + 6*fixed1:fixed2 == 0",
"fixed2 + (3.2)*fixed1:fixed2 == 0"))
glht_omni <- glht(m1)
m2 <- glmmTMB(counts ~ fixed1*fixed2 + (1|random/nested_random) +
offset(log_total_counts), data = example, verbose=FALSE,
According to this suggestion by Ben Bolker
the best approach to post hoc testing with glmmTMB is to use lsmeans
(or its more recent equivalent, emmeans).
After running
I can use lsmeans on the glmmTMB object. For example,
as.glht(emmeans(m1,~(week + 27*week:conc)))
General Linear Hypotheses
Linear Hypotheses: Estimate 3.11304347826087, 21 == 0 -8.813
But this does not seem correct. What I cannot figure out, for the
life of me, is how to correctly carry over the use of linfct to the
lsmeans scenario on the glmmTMB. I have read all the manuals and
vignettes until I am blue in face (or it feels that way, at least),
but I am still at a loss. In my defense (culpability?) I am a
statistical tyro, so many apologies if I am asking a question with
very obvious answers here.
The glht software and post hoc testing works easily with the glmmADMB
package, but the glmmADMB software is 10x slower than glmmTMB. I need
to perform multiple runs of this analysis, each with 300,000 examples
of the mixed model, so speed is essential.
Many thanks for your suggestions or help!
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