2018-08-13 13:11:40 UTC
Hi, dear all.
I've built a glmm (model) with glmmTMB; it had fitted without, neither
error message, nor warnings;
but, since I've added the following ziformula=~village (village is a 6
levels grouping factor variable), I got the warning message
"Model convergence problem; non-positive-definite Hessian matrix"
Trying to resolve this, I've used ziformula=~(1|village) instead;
then, the model fits without neither error message, nor warnings; but when
I'd ran "summary(model)", I got the following error message "Error in
reS$ziReStruc[[i]] : subscript out of bounds": it's my first time to get
such an error message and I don't know any idea about its possible cause;
so, any help to solve it will be much appreciated.
In advance, thanks.
Kind regards,
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I've built a glmm (model) with glmmTMB; it had fitted without, neither
error message, nor warnings;
but, since I've added the following ziformula=~village (village is a 6
levels grouping factor variable), I got the warning message
"Model convergence problem; non-positive-definite Hessian matrix"
Trying to resolve this, I've used ziformula=~(1|village) instead;
then, the model fits without neither error message, nor warnings; but when
I'd ran "summary(model)", I got the following error message "Error in
reS$ziReStruc[[i]] : subscript out of bounds": it's my first time to get
such an error message and I don't know any idea about its possible cause;
so, any help to solve it will be much appreciated.
In advance, thanks.
Kind regards,
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